
Enhancing Maritime Safety with A Safety Management System

What is a marine safety management system and how can it help improve the efficiencies of your commercial ship operation? In the complex world of maritime operations, safety is paramount. The integration of a marine Safety Management System (SMS) is not just a regulatory requirement but a crucial element in ensuring the safety of vessels, […]

Bad Vibrations

Vibrations can come from various causes, but usually they come from problems that can be small to potentially catastrophic. Here are a few. Those of you who remember the song “Good Vibrations” by the Beach Boys may have some warm and fuzzies. But with boats it’s different. Most vibrations are bad … at least the […]

Boat Winterizing Basics

Unless you’re in the sunny South, Florida, or Hawaii, you’ll almost certainly have to do at least some winterizing. The bad news about winterizing your boat is that if you forget something critical or you do something incorrectly, you may be faced with expensive repair bills and a long delay to get back on the […]

Avoid Winterization Mistakes

We all know we have to winterize the engine. But what else can go wrong? Protect your boat by avoiding these winterization mistakes. Over the years, we at BoatUS have seen thousands of winterizing claims, and we’re still surprised at how ice and cold weather can take a toll on boats. If we had to […]

Is Your Boat Ready For Winter?

Winter will be here before you know it. Here’s what you should be thinking about before putting your boat to bed for its long winter’s nap. Taking a few moments now to think about how you’ll put your boat to bed for the off season, as the days grow shorter and the ducks fly south, […]

Keeping Your Boat Safe This Winter

You know how boats are; little problems compound quickly into big ones. Be mindful of your boat during the winter. You know how boats are. Little problems compound quickly into big ones. If we had to give only one piece of advice this winter, it’s this: Visit your boat. Snow, ice, wind, rain, and damp […]

Boat Winter Checklist

Fight the winter blues by visiting your boat and ensuring all is well. Whether it’s stored ashore or in water, you may stall spring problems. This is the time of year when you can’t help wondering if winter will ever end. The days don’t seem to be getting any longer, and the sun barely climbs […]

Coping With Winter

Visiting your boat during the winter could save you a lot of headaches in the spring. Learn how to properly cope with wintertime. Claim #0918191: A BoatUS Member who keeps his boat at a marina in Galesville, Maryland, had always been conscientious about visiting his boat regularly over the winter, but a heart attack left […]

Winterizing Your Boat Engine

Protect your boat’s engine this winter! Follow our comprehensive checklist for outboard and inboard engines to prevent costly damage. When the temperature falls below freezing, if there is water inside your engine or gear case, the result can be a cracked block or housing and a repair bill that runs into the thousands. It is […]

Winterizing Tips: Storage Ashore

Store your boat in water for an early spring launch or ashore for safety. Learn the best support methods and avoid winter storage mishaps. In some parts of the country, where winter means several months of bitterly cold weather, storing boats ashore is the norm. In warmer climates, however, ice and snow may occur infrequently, […]

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