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A refreshing perspective from marine professionals spanning the entire industry. Join us as we dive deep into the world of boating, bringing you captivating stories and invaluable insights.

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Summary In this episode, Chris and Brian from Block Island Ferry discuss their operation of the ferry to Block Island. They highlight the vital resources and services they bring to the island’s community, including emergency services and daily supplies. They also emphasize the importance of passenger safety and compliance with Coast Guard regulations. The conversation...
Summary In this conversation, Jeff Merrill discusses his background in sailing and yacht sales, as well as the appeal of trawlers and the importance of the people involved in boating. He emphasizes the need for buyers to consider insurance, pre-qualification, and training before purchasing a boat. Merrill also highlights the role of Vessel Vanguard in...
Join Mark Scibinico in this insightful Boating Insider episode exploring the rich maritime history of Galveston, Texas, courtesy of the Galveston Historical Foundation. Learn about the foundation’s origins dating back to the 1800s, officially incorporated in 1954, and discover the maritime endeavors of the Galveston Historic Foundation. Gain insights into the restoration efforts that contribute...
The conversation covers various topics related to the maritime industry, including the impact of going digital, the importance of safety management systems, and the challenges and benefits of embracing technology. The guests discuss the role of the Passenger Commercial Vessel Association (PCVA) in supporting its members and promoting waterborne tourism. They also highlight the need...
Rhiannon and Kelly dive into what it means to be a good captain, what it’s like managing a whole crew of employees and a fleet of yachts, as well as how a yacht management software helps her stay on top of day to day operations. Visit Captain Kelly’s website: https://www.captainkellyjgordon.com/ Show Kelly some love on...
Today, we’re joined by John Groundwater and Dave Anderson from PVA (Passenger Vessel Association). PVA is dedicated to promoting the interests and the economic well-being of U.S. passenger vessel owners and operators, and associated businesses, while promoting safety and a secure maritime operating environment for passenger vessels operators, passengers, crew, and the public at-large. Visit...
Today, we’re joined by Will Wangel, CEO of Sea Rocket Adventures. We dive into how Will got started with Sea Rocket, the new boats they’re bringing on, as well as how they use Vessel Vanguard to manage their fleet in one system. Sea Rocket Adventures is a watersports company focused on bringing adventure to travelers...
Today, we’re joined by Bob Callahan and Lauren St. Clair from the International WorkBoat Show. With over 900 different companies attending, we dive into what visitors can expect from the 3-day show this year in New Orleans. The International WorkBoat Show is a trade-only conference and expo for commercial vessel owners, operators, and builders, as...
Rhiannon, Captain Kelly, and Captain Stephan dive into mental health issues within the yachting industry, specifically how to deal with toxic crew members as well as the importance of speaking up about unfair treatment. Check out Captain Kelly’s Website: https://www.captainkellyjgordon.com Check out Captain Kelly’s YouTube: @captain_kellyjgordon Thanks to our sponsor, Vessel Vanguard: https://vesselvanguard.com
Today, we’re joined by Captain Ed Palermo, manager and captain of a MKII 70E Marlow yacht. We talk about how he got started as a mate, working his way into the world of delivery & management before taking over as the full time captain of this boat. Check out Ed on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/capt_palermo/ Thanks to...
Chris and Lou dive into the world of yacht ownership, discussing things like maintenance costs, scheduling, insurance, and what you need to know before buying a yacht. Lou is the head of sales at Exclusive Yachts, a members-only club delivering personalized yachting experiences worldwide at a fraction of the cost of ownership — and without...
Today, we’re joined by Tom McGowan, owner and president of Engineered Yacht Solutions. Tom started out sanding boats in Lauderdale Marine Center, working his way up to management before starting his own company. Engineered Yacht Solutions focuses on welding, sheet metal fabrication, steel fabrication, machining, and marine plumbing. Throughout the years, these services have proven...
Today, we’re joined by Captain Carrie Jenne, a U.S. Coast Guard approved instructor and a captain with over 20 years of experience. Carrie grew up in Thousand Islands, where as a kid she kayaked through the waterways of the Northeast. She became a crew member on tour boats as a teenager, using her seatime to...
Today, we’re joined by Corey Ranslem, CEO of Dryad Global. Dryad Global provides real time risk information for both recreational and commercial vessel operators via their ARMS (automated risk management solution) software platform. This information helps commercial operators to stay aware of regional hazards and better plan their routes and operations. Connect with Corey on...
Today, we’re joined by Norma Trease, founder of Yacht Knowledge and a board member of the International Seakeepers Society. Norma talks about how she got involved in the maritime industry, the importance of learning hospitality skills early, as well as how she started The Crew Network, the first online crew placement agency. Connect with Norma...
Today, we’re joined by Captain Bob Rando from Captiva Cruises. We talk about Bob’s career as a captain, the importance of planning and scheduling boat maintenance, as well as the impact of Hurricane Ian on Southwest Florida. Visit Captiva Cruises’ website: https://captivacruises.com Show them some love on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/captivacruises/ Thanks to our sponsor, Vessel Vanguard:...
Today, we’re joined by Jared Hassut from YMS Yacht Management Services, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We talk about how Jared got started cleaning yachts in Miami, before he used his network to get his first boat management contract, eventually scaling his management services into a business. Check out YMS’ website: https://yachtmgtservices.com/ Show them some...
Today, we’re joined by Fernando Diaz from Nordhavn, one of the biggest trawler manufacturers in the world. He talks about some of the biggest mistakes he sees first time boat owners making, how Nordhavn helps new boat owners learn their boat’s systems, as well as the importance of meeting with an insurance agent before buying...
Chris and Wendy dive into the importance of mentorship in the maritime industry, what yacht owners are looking for from captains, as well as the value of having a software to track maintenance and invoices. Visit Sunburst Yacht Charters’ Website: https://sunburstyachtcharters.com Connect with Wendy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-clark-b16012110/ Thanks to our sponsor, Vessel Vanguard: https://vesselvanguard.com


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